There was one idea that stuck with me the most, and I've put it into practice. We've been doing this for 3 weeks now and it seems to work well.
I cleaned out some empty spaghetti sauce jars and wrote "Juliana" and "Isaias" on each one. The point is to accumulate coins. Here are some ways they can earn a coin:
1) Doing their chore without being asked (Isaias vaccums the rug & cleans his room & Juli sweeps)
2) Being kind to others and each other
3) Obeying
Isaias held the door open for a man a few weeks ago which earned him a coin. Juliana helps watch Lily while I shower or just when we're out and about, so she'll get a coin for that too. They won't earn coins the exact same way, and it looks different for each one. They each have strengths and weaknesses that I'd like to encourage them in.
There are also a few rules about the coins too that I had to add shortly after:
1) You can't ask for a coin
2) You can't put in a coin unless I say (when they do their chores I have to tell them when they can put one in so it doesn't get mixed up..I have a solution for this...see below!)
3) If you try to cheat and put extra coins in, or take coins out of the other person's jar, you lose ALL your coins. I don't tolerate lying or cheating.
In order to keep it straight when they do their chores since they can't ask for their coin I've come up with a solution! (I did get this idea from the book as well!)
(Juli doesn't come over every day so that's why there are some blank days)
For each chore they complete they get to "punch" their "time card." It's kind of a fun thing for them and they enjoy doing this. I have them on the fridge so I see them throughout the day. When I notice they've punched it, I put my initials by where they've punched it and let them know they can put a coin in. Or if it's late at night, I'll put it in myself. It helps so we don't accidentally put extra coins in or short them any. They've worked hard for those coins! The initials just let us all know we've accounted for those holes punches.
Now, I must add that they are required to do other things at home too. I don't give Isaias an allowance simply because there are things he is required to do since he's a part of this family. They both have to clean up after themselves when they play, rinse their dishes and put them in the dishwasher, etc. If Isaias wants to earn money though we have some extra things he can do too.
We had set today to go to Chuck-E-Cheese and turn in their coins for tokens. However many tokens they earned is what they got to spend. They ended up with about 30 each over a 3 week period. The kids really enjoyed it, and we even had a coupon and bought a medium pizza for $4.99! They had leftover souvenir cups from prior visits so we only paid about $20 for the trip. I'm pretty frugal!
I haven't decided if I'm going to do this incentive again or if I'll try another one just to switch it up and keep things fresh. I'm leaning towards trying something new! :) I'll let you all know how it turns out!
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