Friday, June 24, 2011

inferiority & material possessions

This evening I went to a picnic that my husband's job held at the lake. It's the annual 4th of July BBQ that consists of games for the kids and delicious food. Employees and some clients usually attend.

This year the crowd was much smaller so I actually stepped out of my comfort zone and talked with a few of the people there I hadn't ever really talked with. As I was talking with one individual I started to get the impression that I was being ranked on her invisible status bar, and if it were visible I most likely was near the bottom. Her husband has been working as an Engineer for 10 years at this job and I have an inkling that he makes a pretty paycheck. I gave her some grace and kept going on but later overheard a conversation with another individual she was talking with and knew money played a big factor in her life. At one point her son asked my son why he lived in such a small house and asked "where do you even sleep? The kitchen?" This child had never been to our house but I'm not sure if his father might have pointed it out since it's easy to spot as you're driving down the road. He could have just been asking random questions but the point still remains that a young child already believes the size of a person's house is important.

This has always been a struggle of mine feeling inferior to people. People who were more outgoing, funnier, prettier, better dressed,  more educated, make more money, skinnier, nicer house, and the list goes on. Yes, I was basically feeling inferior almost every day of my life. It's not quite what God intended though.

I've learned over the years though that "things" aren't important and that you're in control of your feelings. People don't make you feel inferior, we let them. It's easy to agree with that, but to fully grasp that is the hard part.

The Bible also says:

Don't love the world's ways. Don't love the world's goods. Love of the world squeezes out love for the Father. Practically everything that goes on in the world - wanting your own way, wanting everything for yourself, wanting to appear important-has nothing to do with the Father. It just isolates you from him. The world and all it's wanting, wanting, wanting - is on the way out-but whoever does what God wants is set for eternity. 
1 John 2:15-17

My relationship with God has helped me to overcome my issues with feeling inferior to other people. The deeper my relationship goes the more I'm able to be the full weight of who I am in Christ

I'm not saying I don't wish for a nicer vehicle, bigger kitchen, or money to fix up our yard. However, we get in trouble though when those desires become bigger than God and you let things make you who you are. 

Saturday, June 18, 2011

happy fathers day erik!

Raising up people who are becoming like Jesus. That's the mission statement at our church. Nobody has arrived yet, and nobody is perfect. However, when I think of people who have many Christ-like qualities a couple of people come to mind. My husband, Erik, though is probably one at the top of my list.

Erik is always in such a good mood. Yep, that means when he's at church or when we're around friends that's really how he is at home. He doesn't put on an act or try to be somebody he's not. Very seldom is he grumpy and when he is it's not for long at all.

Probably some of Erik's most noticeable gifts is not only that he has a love and talent for music, but he also has a personality that everybody loves. He can make you feel welcome and strike up conversation as if he's known you for forever. I've always loved that about him since I'm quite the opposite. I tend to be a little quieter, not very outgoing, and keep to myself more. You know what they say though. Opposites do attract, and it's true!

Erik has also grown to be a great father. We started young. I was 19 and Erik was 21. It was a big transition but I'd say he's an amazing dad to our two precious kids! :) He always makes it a point to find Isaias when he comes home from work. Isaias hides everyday from Erik, and Erik always looks for him. You'd think after years of Isaias doing that Erik might get tired of it. Nope. Then after he finds Isaias Erik comes and gets Lily and him and I talk about our day.

I can see the same traits in Isaias that Erik has. Gentleness, concern for other's feelings, and good people skills just to name a few. Isaias tries so hard to be like his Daddy. He only likes Chevy trucks, loves Hu Hot, helps mow the grass, wears his hair like Erik, and wants to dress like him too. I'm glad Isaias has a dad to show him all the things a boy is supposed to know.  I love watching them both grow in Christ. I admire Erik and am glad to call him my best friend and husband.

Happy Father's Day Erik!! We love you!!

Erik and Isaias when he was 1 day old. (Isaias had to be in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for 8 days)

Isaias on his 1st birthday with Daddy

This is one of my favorite pictures of my two favorite boys. :) 
November 2009

Monster trucks January 2011

Daddy and Lily

Daddy and Lily 1 day old.

Lily was lovin on her Daddy. :)

June 18th, 2011

Friday, June 10, 2011

tree of life

I've been debating on whether or not to add this to my blog or not. I thought I'd be too exposed sharing a personal struggle of mine. However, I believe God wants me to. What better way to witness and grow people's faith than to share your own story? This post is the reason I named my blog, "Tree of Life."

In December of 2007 Erik and I decided we wanted to add to our family. Isaias had recently turned 2 years old, and I had FINALLY convinced Erik to add on to our family. Plus, we wanted a sibling for Isaias.

We began trying to conceive. Each month I would take a pregnancy test to see if it was the month, and each time it was negative.  Many months went by. I began getting discouraged and would cry about it often when I was alone. What was wrong with me? Why is it taking so long God? I thought this was supposed to happen quickly like it does with everyone else!

After close to a year of trying I decided to call the doctor and I scheduled an appointment. In the meantime they ran test after test. I waited for this doctor's appointment for 3 long months, and by this time it was February 2009. When my appointment day finally came I waited anxiously for the doctor. All the test results were in, and I was just waiting to be given an answer. She diagnosed me with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS for short). I think I'll let WebMd explain this one:
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
PCOS, or polycystic ovarian syndrome, is a common hormonal disorder in women that with interferes with the growth and release of eggs from the ovaries, or ovulation. It is the most common cause of infertility among women. PCOS occurs when a woman's body overproduces sex hormones, called androgens. The hormone imbalance prevents fluid-filled sacs in the ovaries from breaking open and releasing mature eggs. The fluid-filled sacs bunch together, causing many tiny cysts. Symptoms of PCOS include missed periods, abnormal facial and body hair growth, acne, and weight gain. PCOS may run in families.

I had already done research online and believe God prepared me for this diagnosis since I was sure it's what I had. I wasn't afraid or depressed about it though. That I know was God working in me because fear runs deep inside me and has all my life. As I drove home after that appointment I began praising God. One thing my Dad always says is to praise God always. Not just when things are going right, but all the time because He is worthy to be praised.

Now that I had a diagnoses I was ready to move on and help treat it with medication and keep going. In this time I prayed with friends and family. God didn't say much to me except that it will be His timing, not mine. That answer was so hard for me to deal with. I was always in control of things and I was forced to hand over control to God. The only thing I could do was pray. There were verses that I held onto and taped on my mirror to see each morning. Here are a few of them:

Delight yourself in the LORD and he
will give you the desires
of your heart.”

So, my very dear friends, don't get thrown off course.
Every desirable and beneficial gift comes out of heaven.
The gifts are rivers of light cascading down from the
Father of Light. There is nothing deceitful in God,
nothing two-faced, nothing fickle. He brought us to
life using the true Word, showing us off as the crown
of all his creatures.
James 1:16-18

Three short weeks after going to the doctor I again took another pregnancy test. This time, it was positive! We were so ecstatic! After over a year of trying we were pregnant! I decided to wait though until my 10 week check-up before I told people. Oh waiting until then took forever! I was so glad after the 10 week check-up to be able to spread the news! 

At my next OB appointment I went to by myself. Erik was working and didn't want to bother him to take off work. I went in for my 14 week check-up. The nurse came in and did the usual routine by checking blood pressure, getting my weight, and so forth. Then when the doctor came in went to hear the heartbeat but she wasn't picking up anything. I started to get worried since she couldn't find it. She said they would do a sonogram to check things out. Within 15 minutes I was in another room for the sonogram. The sonogram technician then had to break the news to me. My baby had no heartbeat and had gone to be with Jesus. She said the baby measured 10 1/2 weeks, which meant shortly after my last appointment my baby had died and I didn't know it until over 3 weeks later. I started crying uncontrollably and cried like I hadn't cried in years.  

My whole life I still felt like a child. Even after having my son, getting married, and buying a house I still hadn't felt like a grown-up. After my miscarriage it was as if I'd been shoved into adulthood too abruptly and rudely.

Every time I saw a pregnant woman or a sweet baby being cradled by their mother I would long for that so deeply. Baby showers were especially hard for me. I wouldn't hold babies or make too much of a fuss over them. The hurt was so deep inside I avoided certain people simply because they had a baby. I remember going to one baby shower and I had to leave the room because I couldn't quit crying.

November 2009 came and we found out I again, was pregnant. We were much more cautious about it this time. I had an appointment on December 31st for a sonogram. I had some light bleeding and told the technician. The doctor called me back that same day and said there was a blood clot and I would be miscarrying soon. So, I spent New Years Eve miscarrying once again. Erik, Isaias, and I actually spent that evening with some amazing God friends. I was so glad that if I had to miscarry my baby it was going to be in the company of some of my favorite people. Those are your true friends. 

After the second miscarriage the doctor very much wanted to do testing to see why. She said it could be from PCOS, but I felt like God didn't want me to. I told the doctor at this point I didn't want any testing done.

In February 2010 I found out I was pregnant once again. I was so scared. I only told a few of my closest friends and family. I had 2 sonograms before I went in for my first appointment.  At my 10 week check-up Erik and I heard the heartbeat. It was good and strong. I still had my guard up though. I asked to go in each week to check the heartbeat until I was 14 weeks along. Things were still good at 14 weeks so we decided to spread the news! I was still hesitant and afraid something would still happen. Things progressed great through the pregnancy. :)

On November 15th, 2010, Lily was born! Erik and I were blessed with another beautiful child! God is so good!!!!!

Going through this made me rely more on God. There was not a thing in my power I could do. I was forced to rely solely on Him, which is something I didn't do before. I usually try to take things on myself. Now I can step back at this point in my life and see at least one thing that came out of this. My faith in God is much stronger than I could ever have imagined. God proved just how BIG he really is! It was definitely in His timing too, not mine! 

A good friend of mine made me this. I love how she is always so thoughtful and uses her talents to bless people. It's in Lily's room now.

If you ever come to my house, there's a frame near our front window with our family picture and a pair of teeny tiny feet that Erik bought. That's how big baby feet are at 10 weeks along.

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing
fulfilled is a tree of life.
Proverbs 13:12